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******awa Mann
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Ich hab 2017 beim Theaterregisseur Kristóf Szabó mit zwei Shibarisequenzen in Seinem Stück "ISMENE DANCING" in Köln auf der Bühne gestanden. Daraus ist ein Video entstanden, welches ich hier gerne mit euch teilen möchte.

Ismene war die Tochter von Ödipus und Schwester der Antigone. Es ist in der grichischen Mythologie wenig über Sie bekannt. Die Inszenierung von Kristóf ist sehr abstrakt. Im weiteren habe ich euch den Text, auf die die Inszenierung aufbaut, eingefügt.

Bild- und Tonqualität sind manchmal nicht so gut, aber auch das hat wohl auch einen Sinn.

Viel Spass

Homage to F. Hundertwasser and his mouldiness-manifesto

„The straight line is ungodly and immoral!“ Friedensreich Hundertwasser

During the civil war of her hometown Thebes ISMENE did see and experienced evil things. She stopped speaking. In thoughts ISMENE calls for help: “Help me – that my soul may make it´s peace with the worldand the bird of souls´ anguish flies out of my mouth before I die.”

3 mythical figures support her: BÖSCHI NAWA, a master of shibari bondage art, CRU, a confused angry archangel and CUBEHEAD, the inner voice.

Bound by BÖSCHI NAWA, ISMENE for a long time floats across the world as she regenerates – her saint anger grows while she is listening to CRU, as he quarrels with the world.

With a strenghtened heart ISMENE finds back to live – All the suffering she have seen, opened her to feel deep empathy with all humans – & back to earth, ISMENE accuses the global system of greed, atrocity, inhumanity. She addresses all people: “I dance for you to ask you: Why do you transform suffering into beauty – instead of into a revolt?”

BÖSCHI NAWA, a master of shibari-bondage rituals, knots and loosens the knots of the soul. His red rope reminds on the thread of Ariadne. En route like in a labyrinth of trouble & suffering, man not only meets himself, but also his secret wish to make suffering in the world come to an end; His voiceless cry for revolution now bursts out of his throat:


Performing the old Japanese ritual, ISMENE floats like a heavenly bird out of the world and in trance her mind comes to strenght. Back to earth, ISMENE succeeds in stabilizing her state of mind and she manages to get her feet on the ground like a new born wet animal. Before her face the geometry of the rebuilt mega-city Thebes becomes a place of inhuman linear functionality = dark games of colors und forms created by the internationally recognized light-painting and projection-art artist from Budapest, Ivó Kovács.

Fallen silent, ISMENE leaves herself to the free energy of her body and she dances. Each of her movements is an act of resistance, a soft demonstration of fragility, of being defenceless, of being ready for the revolt!

ISMENE lifts her fist in the air.

The staging pays reference to the verschimmelungs-manifest (mouldiness-manifesto) proclaimed by the Austrian fine artist Hunderwasser. Hundertwasser accused the straight line of being the chief cause for the ruin of any humanity and the strongest aesthetical manifestation of it in his manifesto in 1958.

Hundertwasser: “Today we live in a chaos of straight lines, in a jungle of straight lines. Those, who don´t believe me, should make an effort and count the straight lines, which surround them, and they will understand, for they never will come to an end. (…) The straight line is ungodly and immoral.“ (Taken from: „das verschimmelungs-manifest“, 1958)
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